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The Inauguration of SEMAT Indian Chapter

10 may 2014

The official Inauguration of SEMAT India Chapter will be held on June 4th,  2014 at Kolkata,India.

The first activity of SEMAT India Chapter will start with the following Tutorial.

Interested persons from Industry and academics are requested to contact

Pinakpani Pal ( and Debasish Jana ( for details.

This tutorial is on the new OMG standard "Essence — the software engineering kernel and language

Targeted Audience

Managers, leaders, team members, and agile change agents who wants a responsible for empowering software teams of different kinds to become better, faster, cheaper and happier

Tutorial Topic: "Essence – A Foundation for Software Development Games"

Venue: Indian Statistical Institute, 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata, India

Date: June 04, 2014

Start time: 10:30AM

To be delivered by

Ivar Jacobson, Chairman of the Advisory Board, SEMAT

Dr. Ivar Jacobson is a father of components and component architecture, use cases, the Unified Modeling Language and the Rational Unified Process. He has contributed to modern business modeling and aspect-oriented software development. Lately, Ivar has been working on how to deal with methods and tools in an agile and lean way.  He is one of the leaders of SEMAT with the objective to refound software engineering as a rigorous discipline. In 2004, Ivar received the Gustaf Dalen medal from Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg Sweden.  He is an international honorary advisor at Peking
University, Beijing, and he has an honorary doctorate degree from San Martin de Porres University, Peru. He is an author of several books, including the recent "The Essence of Software Engineering".  Ivar is also the founder of Ivar Jacobson International, operating in seven countries around the world.

Tutorial Description

To become successful in software development, software teams must have the knowledge to systematically evaluate the progress and health of their projects, and detect and resolve risks early. How do teams acquire and apply such knowledge? How do teams adapt this knowledge to different development contexts? This tutorial demonstrates how Essence, the software engineering kernel and language, addresses these challenges.

Essence is the result of the global SEMAT initiative, (see, that has taken place for a few years and now recently been adopted as a standard by the OMG ( Essence provides an innovative and novel user experience based on cards and game boards that are used to assess the progress and health of software development. Through gamification with cards and boards developers can enact various development games, such as planning sprints/iterations, agreeing on lifecycle models, evaluating health and progress of a project. Participants will gain hands-on experience with the cards and games in this highly interactive and engaging tutorial.

This tutorial also introduces some real world case studies in which Essence cards and games are applied. We also demonstrate how to use Essence as a foundation for reporting and evaluating software engineering research.

Tutorial Outline

1. Introduction and Background of the Essence Kernel

2. Illustration of Using the Kernel

a. Understanding the Context

b. Determine the Current State

c. Planning with Essence

d. Agreeing the lifecycle

3. The Essence Kernel and Language

4. Case Studies

a. Agile development

b. Agile organizations and practices

c. Essence Tooling

5. Ongoing and Future Work with Essence and SEMAT

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