Practice Area


Leaders: Paul McMahon and Ian Spence.

In this area the most prioritized projects are the following:

Essence User Guide
What are the different scenarios in which Essence can be used? This user guide is quite an important document of Essence, which is worked upon as part of the Finalization Task Force in getting Essence adopted as an OMG standard.

This user guide can be found here.

Practice library
Once the kernel and language are stabilizing, we need to collect many example practices for everybody to share. We will set up a practice library to allow people to exchange practices from different domains worldwide and to publish them as part of a SEMAT hosted catalogue.

The objective of this practice library is to collect, for example, 25 practices on top of the kernel. Establishing this library is fundamental to the industry.

The creation of an open source project based on Eclipse has been discussed. We need to start an open source project where at least one tool will be developed that supports Essence similar to Agile/Scrum/Kanban open source tools available today (e.g. JIRA, SeeNowDo, etc…)